Iron Throne RolePlay Wikia

Highgarden is a castle which serves as the seat of House Tyrell, regional capital of the Reach and the heart of chivalry in the Seven Kingdoms. It lies on the Mander and is where the Ocean Road meets the Roseroad, making it an important crossroads.


The tiered-walled castle has groves and fountains, shady courtyards, and marble colonnades. It is filled with singers, pipers, fiddlers and harpers. The stables have a fine selection of horseflesh, and there are pleasure boats to sail along the Mander. Between the outer and middle walls is a famous briar labyrinth. The oldest towers are square and date from the Age of Heroes, while newer towers are taller and round.

There are fields of golden roses that stretch as far as the eye can see. Fruits grown nearby include melons, peaches, and fireplums.

Highgarden's sept is matched only by the Great Sept of Baelor and the Starry Sept. The castle godswood contains three weirwoods known as the Three Singers.


Second Era (303 - 380AC)[]

In the year 349AC, Baelon Targaryen visited the stronghold atop Drogon, seeking support for his revolt against his elder brother Aemon Targaryen.

Recent Events[]
