Iron Throne RolePlay Wikia

Lannisport is a city, and the seat of Lord Jason Lannister. The largest settlement in the Westerlands, Lannisport lies below Casterly Rock, and was once the seat of the Lannisport Lannisters.


Lannisport sprawls under the shadow of Casterly Rock, merely a mile from the towering structure. A city of two hundred thousand people, Lannisport is located on the the Sunset Sea. The Kayce Peninsula lies to the North, Crakehall to the South, and Silverhill, Deep Den, and Hornvale to the East.


Lannisport was started as a fishing village by a branch of the Lannisters, a mile from the Rock, that developed into a town, then a city, thanks to its natural harbour, abundant with fish. While the Lannisters of Casterly Rock became the Kings of the Rock, the Lannisport Lannisters strengthened their city, and by the time of the Andal Invasion, only Oldtown was bigger. As large as it was, Lannisport presented a rich target to the Ironborn, being burned at least three times and raided two dozen times over the centuries.

In 130 AC, the Red Kraken sacked Lannisport; the riches, and more from the Iron Islands, were returned four years later. Ser Quentyn Ball shattered the West outside its walls during the first Blackfyre Rebellion, slaying Lord Lefford. In 208 AC, Lannisport was one of the worst hit by the Great Spring Sickness. In 267 AC, and 268 AC, the court of Aerys II moved to Lannisport and the Rock. During the Greyjoy Rebellion, the Lannister fleet was sacked at anchor; to celebrate, the Great Tourney of 289 AC was held in the city.


Lannisport has grown rich off trade, and commerce; the docks stretch for the entire length of the city, with the portions closest to Casterly Rock being the military shipyards; the Lannister fleet docks there. The merchant quarter is next to the docks, taking up much of the city; as does the artisan's quarter, full of the goldsmiths the city is famed for.

The further one gets from the docks, the poorer the city becomes. The poorest areas, the slums, border the east walls of the city.

The Lion's Hold, the castle of Lord Jason, sits on a slight rise at the most Northern point of the city. The holding is less of a castle, and more a large, fortified, manse, beautifully designed. With the Rock so nearby, the Lannister Lannisports cared less for defence, and more for demonstrating their wealth.

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